Two Cents: Batgirl #2

Two Cents’ is something new I’m doing at AHB:  focusing on a (relatively) new Batgirl issue and giving you my one-sentence review, as well as my ‘two cents’ about one specific thing I found interesting.

one-sentence review: While it’s still hard to leave Steph behind,  Simone masterfully juggles Batgirl’s confrontations with Mirror as well as Barbara’s personal life, as always with a lively pace and good heaping of witty banter.

But I want to focus on Barbara’s hot date, who is not, as you might suspect, Dick Grayson:

Meet George, Babs’ physical therapist and recipient of Squarest Chin Award.

First of all, this creates a great twist in the story, particularly for us Babs/Dick shippers. They’ve apparently moved on, for reasons unknown, and we get a glimpse of Babs’ personal life outside the Batsuit, not to mention her rehabilitation process.

But from an artistic standpoint, so so many men in a Bat-title looks like this– with few exceptions nearly all are Caucasian with dark hair, from Batman himself to every single Robin to even villains like Ra’s al Ghul, Penguin and Hush. Regardless of whether Babs has a “type” it’s wildly unoriginal particularly since we get little to none of George’s personality, and I would have liked to see at least something different.

I would also like to point out that this makes George at the top of the Suspect List for who the Mirror is, as he’s the only one we know who can most easily figure out that Barbara is Batgirl from therapy.  (Notice in the above picture, he says that he knows all of her secrets? Coincidence?) Nevertheless, whether he’s a killing psycho as well remains to be seen.

Monday Art Feature: Batgirl on the Prowl

I love this Batgirl art print from Dane Ault of Monkey Minion Press, whom I met at Phoenix Comicon. We talked about the greatness that is Barbara Gordon and he signed the print for me too :)

Will Barbara Gordon be in The Dark Knight Rises?

Multiple sources report that three new actors have been added to The Dark Knight Rises cast, though their roles are remaining a secret: Matthew Modine, Tom Conti, and Joey King. You may recognize Joey from her role as Ramona from Ramona and Beezus:

Joey King

DCWKA and MTV have both speculated that Joey might portray Barbara Gordon, Jim Gordon’s daughter and the future Batgirl. She’s the perfect age not to mention adorable, and I would love to see Barbara finally make an appearance. If we are right, however, chances are slim to none that she’ll be donning a mask. Joey is the right age for Babs, but too young for Batgirl; and while I wouldn’t put anything past Nolan, it would also feel too rushed to introduce Batgirl and/or Robin in the final movie of the trilogy. (Any films afterwards, however, is fair game!)

There is another possibility: Josh Pence has been cast as a young Ra’s al Ghul, and the DKR crew is reportedly building a structure very similar to a Lazarus Pit. So there’s a chance that King could instead portray a young Talia al Ghul, perhaps making an appearance in this supposed flashback.

But of course mum’s the word when it comes to Nolan’s third Batman film, and rumors and speculation are half the fun! What are your thoughts on this new casting?

To Walk or Not to Walk: Barbara Gordon in Batman Beyond

Even though Batman Beyond takes place fifty years in the future, it’s enjoying quite a bit of attention in the present. Almost a decade after the original show was cancelled, the world of Batman Beyond has resurfaced in comics with its own miniseries and ongoing title. And with the  announcement of a Superman Beyond miniseries to debut this fall, we might be looking at the birth of a full-fledged alternate universe.

I grew up with the show as well as the DCAU (DC Animated Universe) at large, so I’m no less than thrilled about its revival in the comic book world; but I’m also curious about Barbara Gordon’s character in the series. Her appearances have been occasional thus far, but as the current Commissioner in Gotham, there’s no doubt we’ll be seeing more of her soon. Question is, which Barbara Gordon will we see– her DCAU character, or a future version of the present Oracle? Or, perhaps, a blending of both? The answer will have lasting repercussions on her character in the series, not to mention the standing of Batman Beyond as an alternate universe or the mainstream continuity’s actual future.

For those of you unfamiliar with the DCAU or Timmverse, the term refers to several DC animated shows including Batman: The Animated Series, Batman Beyond, Static Shock and Justice League Unlimited, which share their own continuity. For more about it, see here.

Barbara Gordon in the Batman Beyond show is almost unrecognizable from her present counterpart, and for good reason–it takes place fifty years in the future! Babs’ red locks have turned gray, and she has taken her father’s place as GCPD’s Commissioner; unsurprisingly, it takes her a while to warm up to the new Batman in town. But most importantly, this Barbara Gordon can walk. That’s right: no wheelchair. Along with several other inconsistencies, the events of The Killing Joke don’t exist in the DCAU continuity. (Yes, that’s one big reason why I love the DCAU so much!)

From the show, we learn that Barbara, as Batgirl, worked side-by-side with Batman and Robin, then just with Batman after Dick left for Bludhaven as Nightwing. Eventually, she hung up the cape. Her life between then and the Commissioner’s chair is still a mystery, though she is married to Sam Young, Gotham’s District Attorney.

This might seem minor to some, but whether or not Barbara can walk is a key element that greatly influences her character and presence. In the show, Babs gets proactively involved in the police force, accompanies them on missions and keeps a close eye on Terry. We see this when her husband is targeted by the assassin Curaré, when Batman supposedly goes rogue, and several other instances. While this isn’t impossible for one who is handicapable–and who knows where technology is at in the future?–staying true to the DCAU version certainly gives her different possibilities as a character.

So, is Barbara in the new Batman Beyond series in a wheelchair, or not?

Here are some brief scenes with Barbara, in both the miniseries and current ongoing series:

As you can see, Barbara hasn’t once risen out of her chair, nor been shown outside of her office. Is she sporting some futuristic wheelchair behind that desk? Or is it merely a coincidence that Barbara happens to be sitting in her office in every scene? There’s no reference to Oracle, the Birds of Prey, or another hint that would point towards the main continuity. Whether or not she can walk remains ambiguous.

So far, I’ve been discussing the DCAU and the mainstream universe as a binary, but there’s another possibility. Perhaps the Batman Beyond comics will blend the mainstream continuity and the DCAU continuity, especially when it comes to Barbara. Here’s what I’m thinking: maybe Barbara was shot by the Joker, became Oracle and so on (mainstream), but as technology progressed, she was healed and can now walk (how she appears in the DCAU). It’s certainly a possibility, but bring on the headache when you try to discern which continuity the series belongs to.

When it comes to Barbara, I’m more than a little biased. Of course I want to see Babs not only walking around, but also kicking butt on Gotham’s streets as the Comish–but in this universe, it’s actually possible.

DCAU images thanks to The World’s Finest.

Friday Art Feature: Oracle

Our feature this week is Oracle by Alex Garner:

Gorgeous. I especially love the light shining through Babs’ red hair, not to mention that she’s outside and using a laptop, which is rare.